Wednesday 14 October 2009

Lets get back to some nursyness...

Aware that many recent postings have been pretty off topic, I wanna write about nursie stuff today.

We finished our child development module over a week ago now. As much as I liked Smiley
Stuart the unit leader, I was glad when it was finished. It wasn't that the unit was boring, but it was all the same sort of thing. Fascinating, but too many lectures all on one subject, with little time in between to reflect. A hand out in class prompted me to buy a fantastic book:

This is a powerful and passionate book that explains why so much of what we say about children is so wrong.’
-Professor Frank Furedi, author of Paranoid Parenting

‘Reclaiming Childhood is a lovely blend of developmental theory and
up-to-date research, a deep knowledge of children, and good old common
sense. This bracing book is a gift to children everywhere.’

I haven't had a chance to read much of it, but it looks facinating. Valuable from both a parents perspective, to a professional who works with children.

Straight after this unit we plunged straight into our first proper maths exam of the year. I discovered I actually really enjoy maths, now that I have a better basic understanding. You see, me and maths didn't really get on in recent years. I started off with a good basic knowledge as a youngster, then it all went wrong in year 9 at school. I was put into the top set after diagnostic testing. I lasted one lesson in this set. I didn't get what the teacher was teaching. I went home with some homework which I genuinely tried all night to do. The next day I went to the office to ask her about it, and she said if I couldn't understand it, and had worked all night on one question, then I shouldn't be in the group. And so I walked away accepting this fate. Big mistake, the lower class bored me so much that I lost all interest. And now because of my own lack of confidence in my ability, and one very untactful and unhelpful teacher, I have had to teach myself numeracy. And I kinda love it. Really! Never thought I would ever say that about Maths. I passed with 100% :) as did all of my friends, which we were all chuffed about.

Our new unit started last Monday. Its working with children and families, and I'm loving it. Its mixed in with the anatomy and physiology unit. We have covered philosophies of care, clinical stuff like assessing vital signs, and neurological observations. Calculating fluid requirements, and understanding what is going on physiology wise and how to treat it. I like it because we are learning the theory behind everything, and going into detail on the basics of nursing care. Its like taking the essence of the stuff learnt "on the job" last year to a new level. I can't wait to get out there and put it into practice. And on that note, placement is stating to creep up on me.

I start placement in a general children's ward, in a district hospital, in about a week and a half's time. I can't wait!!!! Its been so long since I was on a clinical placement, and I can't wait to put on my uniform and get nursing. I'm scarred too, this year there will be more expected of me on the wards. Looking forward to working with some of my friends too, most of us are all on the same ward. Another one is in A&E but at the same hospital. Last time I was on my own, so it will be nice to have friends around to share the experience with. And on that note, I'm really gonna have to finish here and get studying. This unit isn't over yet!


The Kid In The Front Row said...

I don't feel like any of your posts have been off topic. I feel that they're all exploring you, who you are, where you are -- they all inform the work and study you're doing.. keep at it! So glad you revived this blog.

Julianne said...

Thanks kid. I'm glad I revived it too :)