Sunday 29 November 2009

Creative me.

"Hello everybody" or perhaps just "hello you", since 'everybody' seems far too broad a word to use for a blog with a tiny amount of followers.

Been busy, very busy. Plus every time I sit down to type a post, my husband asks me "what are you doing?" and when I tell him he asks me why I'm doing it. He does not understand creativity. He doesn't get art. He doesn't read, and he doesn't dream. About the closest he comes is quite enjoying a good film, or appreciating a life like painting of something pretty. Its not a problem in our relationship since I am a lone creator happy creating in my own little world.

 I sometimes stop dead in my tracks whilst out and take a random photo with my camera because a scene has captured me, or fall deep into contemplation on overhearing a passers by conversation. I can make almost anything. I knit, sew, bead, model, sculpt, paint, arrange, decorate, write, cook, design, draw, and play several instruments. I sum up my talent as a good all rounder, but brilliant at nothing. I love trying new things, for instance I made almost everything for my wedding, I really was in my element. The main excuse was the money it would save me. I wanted an expensive tiara, so decided to recreate it myself. Brought the beads, some wire, and googled tiara making. I twisted and clamped away for an evening and came up with these...


Table names... (instead of traditional numbers)

I could go on and on, from metres and metres of white bunting, to pocket fold invitations.

I do miss having time to indulge in some 'making time'. I will never forget the pleasure I got from a year in college studying design and textiles. Its a shame it all ended in personal disaster. Full time making, drawing, stitching, and beading was amazing.

So why didn't I make a career out of it you may ask? Well I never could stay with one thing, and that was the problem. I loved switching from one craft to another. From knitting my daughters first tiny wrap round cardigan, to painting a mural on my sons first bedroom wall.

I will continue to dabble creatively from time to time. Whatever comes about, I'll lay my creative hands to it with pleasure. My next project is my best friends Lisa's tiara. She gets wed next year, and has asked me to make it :)

And that's it for me, for now. I'll be back soon with something completely different on the 3rd December. A fellow blogger has suggested that a few of us to blog collectively on a theme. The title is "One Night At The Movies Long Ago"

I'm pretty excited actually, I have a really good memory to write about. It might just be worth a read so pop back and have a nose!

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Long time no write!

So once again, I have failed to keep this thing updated. Was bound to happen. I am far to busy to do anything properly unfortunately! Even be a mother.

Yes I am suffering from working mother blues big time. The house is a tip, my kids look bedraggled, and they aren't getting their homework done on time. I guess this is to be expected when you have a large amount of children anyway, but It bothers me a lot. When I chose to have a large family I never wanted them to go without as a result. The reality is that they are fed (mainly on quick and easy meals that could be healthier) clothed (although somewhat creased through lack of ironing) clean (although this is often done with wet wipes whilst hurrying out of the door) and loved (and this I never scrimp on)

This week I have been suffering from a nasty infection in a dead wisdom tooth. It spread to my jaw and throat, and I have been feeling sick, feverish, swollen, and in a lot of pain. I had two days off this week, unable to do much but lay on the sofa becoming addicted to silly facebook games involving farming and running a cafe. Now I am back on my feet I am on a mission to gain order on my family.

Its hard watching the kids struggle with their homework, knowing I have the washing up, my own homework, and all the uniforms to wash. I hate the letters that come in from the school inviting me to parents evening on a night i'm needed in work. I hate leaving the house when the kids are sound asleep and arriving back when they are already in bed.

But in the grand scheme of things, I wouldn't be happy just staying at home. I felt depressed, unmotivated, and I clock watched waiting for the kids to come home from school. I might moan, but the time I spend with the kids now is so precious. They may not always be wearing an ironed shirt, but its clean, and they go to school wearing it telling their teachers how proud they are of their mum becoming a nurse. And they do it with a smile because they are loved and happy at home. They are healthy because even though their food is quick and easy, It always contains enough energy to keep em going and a good enough amount of fruit and veg.

Not wanting to be all doom and gloom I must add I am LOVING my present placement. I am working long hours so I usually only do 3 days a week.

Hmmm... now I got all that off my chest I actually think that Its not all that bad. Besides, I managed to iron all the kids clothes today. I made a Jamie Oliver recipe yesterday. I did their homework with them tonight.

Don't listen to me, I'm possibly due on my period or something lol

Nursing is great, being a mum is wonderful, everything is fine :)